Friday, February 8, 2013

Pinterest Inspired- Large Candlesticks

**Please excuse the mess, my garage is in a perpetual state of "project progress" ;)

Browsing through Pinterest I happened upon a pin showing some large (floor) candlesticks that a blogger (sorry I lost the pin so I can show you the original post) had made using various wood pieces from the local hardware store.

Inspired by these lovelies and in search of some great pieces to decorate the ledge of my tub I set out to make my own.

Here is what I started with:
2 packs of double  lag screws, 2 feet, 2 decorative posts, and 2 post toppers (sorry I know not those aren't the technical names for some of these things but it works)

First step was to pre-drill a hole in one end of the decorative posts (the other end already has a hole) and into the top (skinny part) of the feet (the was already a lag screw in one end of the foot but it was on the wrong end so we removed it, so there is a hole in the foot but it is in the wrong end- what will be the bottom). 

 Next, screw the lag screws into end hole (joining all 3 pieces together)
 I used wood glue to between the decorative post and topper (I had trouble getting the topping to stay since it is so thin) and we also put some nails into the end (see pic below).

 There is a different edge on one corner of the posts but I was planning on turning that corner to the back so no one else can see it.

 4 nails (counter sink if necessary) just to make sure it stays...

Next, I fill the nail holes and the open center hole with wood filler (putty) and let dry.

 Now, after these few easy steps, and some light sanding once the putty was dry you end up with this...cute right??

  Now its time to make them super pretty :) This was the first time I used Valspar's spray primer and the primer + paint verdict...they are AWESOME. My new favorite spray paints for wood. The primer was better than Kilz spray and the odor was much better.

 A few coats of primer...then time for some real color.

 Tada!!!! How freakin' cute are they??? The great thing is there are so many different decorative posts, feet, toppers, etc that you can get super crazy with this. These only stand 3 and 3 foot (respectively) but you can easily make them much larger for floor candlesticks.

Decided I didn't like the baby blue to much so I changed to a darker blue/green. And added some battery operated candles and now they are in there official new home.

 Project cost:
2 Toppers- $3.57
2 Decorative posts- $14.68
2 Feet- $8.98
1 can Valspar primer- $3.25
1 can Valspar primer +paint- $3.25
1 can Valspar primer + paint (new color)- $3.25

Total cost- $ 33.73 + tax

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